



  • Overview

  • PPV Precision

  • TPR Precision

  • Diversity

  • Client Resources

Machine Learning for Ethereum Consensus

Blockprint. Shaping the Future of Blockchain Transparency

Dive into insights

Goal: < 33%

Danger: > 50%


37.11 %


33.23 %


20.54 %


9.11 %


0.00 %


0.00 %

Great 0 - 33%

Caution 33 - 50%

Danger 50 - 100%

Diversity Charts


Where does this data come from?

Blockprint classifies blocks using a machine-learning model which sometimes makes mistakes. The statistics shown below are measurements of blockprint’s accuracy using a cluster of consensus clients that produce blocks every slot.

Dive into precision tables

True positive rate, percentage of blocks produced by the client which are correctly classified by blockprint


True negative rate, percentage of blocks NOT produced by the client which are correctly classified by blockprint


Positive predictive value, percentage of blocks classified as this client by blockprint which were actually produced by this client



0 %

100 %

0 %


95 %

8 %

72 %


0 %

94 %

0 %


0 %

100 %

0 %




Precision Charts


TPR Precision

PPV Precision

Used By

Ethereum FoundationEthereum FoundationEthereum FoundationEthereum FoundationEthereum Foundation

Blockprint is a tool for determining which consensus clients produced which blocks on the Ethereum mainnet.

It uses machine learning to guess the consensus client for a block, based on the similarity of that block to others in its training data. E.g. when blockprint saw the block at slot 6505122, it determined that this block was most likely produced by Prysm.

How does it work?

Accuracy Overview

Blockprint classifies blocks using a machine-learning model which sometimes makes mistakes. The statistics shown above are measurements of blockprint’s accuracy using a cluster of consensus clients that produce blocks every slot. We take the blocks produced by the cluster, classify them using blockprint, and then compare blockprint’s classification to what we know the true classification to be.

For example, if the cluster produces a block using a Lighthouse node, and blockprint says that it’s Lighthouse, then this gets noted down as a true positive. Conversely, if blockprint says that the block produced by Lighthouse is Nimbus, then this is noted down as a false negative for Lighthouse and a false positive for Nimbus. The statistics TPR (true positive rate), TNR (true negative rate) and PPV (positive predictive value) are standard statistical measures of test accuracy, which are used in fields like medicine to describe the reliability of diagnostic tests.

For our purposes the most important are the true positive rate and positive predictive value. If there are too many false negatives (i.e. blockprint failing to classify a client when it should), then the true positive rate will drop. On the other hand, if there are too many false positives (blockprint classifying a client when it shouldn’t) then the positive predictive value will suffer. Ideally we would like both measures to be high (90%+).

True Positive Rate

Each row in the true positive rate chart shows the breakdown of true positives and false negatives for a single client. The values in each row should sum to ~100%.

Each matching intersection in this chart represents the percentage of blocks produced by that client which were correctly classified. For example, the diagonal cell for Lighthouse-Lighthouse shows the fraction of blocks produced by Lighthouse which were correctly classified as Lighthouse. Ideally we want these diagonal values to be greater than 90%.

Intersections where the clients do not match represent false negatives, where blocks produced by a client were incorrectly classified as another client by blockprint. For example, a Lighthouse row with a Nimbus column represents the percentage of Lighthouse blocks incorrectly classified as Nimbus blocks. These intersections should ideally be less than 25%, anything higher represents a confusion between those clients in blockprint’s analysis.

You might be wondering how TPR differs from PPV. The fundamental difference is the denominator used in the percentage calculations. The TPR is measured as a fraction of the number of blocks produced by a client, while the PPV is measured as a fraction of the blocks classified by blockprint as a particular client.

Row: Client that produced the blocks

Column: Classification according to blockprint

Note: Row totals may sometimes reach 99 or 101% due to rounding

Positive Predictive Value

Each row in the positive predictive value chart shows the breakdown of true positives and false positives for a single client classification. The values in each row should sum to ~100%.

Each matching intersection in this chart represents the percentage of classifications which are true positives. For example, the diagonal cell for Teku-Teku shows the fraction of blocks classified as Teku which were actually produced by Teku. Ideally we want these diagonal values to be greater than 90%.

Intersections where the clients do not match represent false positives, where blocks classified as a client by blockprint were actually produced by another client. For example, a Prysm row with a Teku column represents the percentage of Prysm classifications which are actually blocks produced by Teku. These intersections should ideally be less than 25%, anything higher represents a confusion between those clients in blockprint’s analysis.

It should be noted that the PPV depends strongly on the prevalence of each client in the population being measured. In our cluster, the distribution of clients is artificially flat: there are approximately the same number of nodes of each client type, and they all produce a block each slot.

As a result, if a minority client like Lodestar is producing a lot of blocks which are misclassified as a majority client like Prysm then the PPV for Prysm will be much lower in our dashboard than it would be on mainnet where there are far fewer real blocks from Lodestar that could be misclassified. We still think this PPV measure is useful, it just bears keeping in minds its limitations and not jumping hastily to conclusions.

You might be wondering how TPR differs from PPV. The fundamental difference is the denominator used in the percentage calculations. The TPR is measured as a fraction of the number of blocks produced by a client, while the PPV is measured as a fraction of the blocks classified by blockprint as a particular client.

Row: Classification according to blockprint

Column: Client that produced the blocks

Note: Row totals may sometimes reach 99 or 101% due to rounding


Diversity Charts

  • Validator Diversity

Precision Charts

  • Overview

  • TPR Precision

  • PPV Precision